Most authors find inspiration in their hometowns, vacation destinations and big cities. We love incorporating those places into our stories, especially when we love them. Our excitement shows through our stories. When Mara Gan took a dream vacation to Santorini, inspiration struck. The land, the food and the people... You will find many of the pieces from her trip woven throughout her book. It seemed to her that the island was the perfect place for her mysterious amnesiac to land. Not only do you have to read for clues as to who Meda is, but find those hints to the island of Santorini. You can get Misplaced today and find her inspiration on the pages of her book. Blurb: I know I had a good life before. If only I could remember it. I couldn’t sew, I couldn’t fish, I couldn’t hunt, I couldn’t cook, for goodness’ sake I couldn’t even tell the hallucinogenic mushrooms from the non-hallucinogenic ones. The list of Things I Couldn’t Do was uncomfortably long. There was, however, one pretty big thing I could do: I could heal people with just a touch of my hands. I didn’t understand it, nor did I know why or how I came by this ability, because here was the other thing: I had no memory. Nada. Nil. Zero. I had simply awoken on a beach, about two months ago, with my name rolling around my head, but that was it. My name was all I knew. Just my name. Meda. EXCERPT: I righted the part of my sandal, fixed the strap, and straightened... To find myself staring down the corridor at a ghost. She was pretty, with shoulder-length, straight brown hair and electric blue eyes, and she was perhaps my height, maybe taller. The sword strapped to her back marked her as a soldier, or at least someone I did not want to tangle with. But what bothered me more than the sword was the fact that she was bathed in an all-blue light. It surrounded her like a halo, as though she were the one generating the light rather than reflecting it. Like she was a torch. I took a step back. I needed to follow Kakó and Poena down that corridor, past the ghostly image, but there was no way I could match off against a trained, armed soldier. She looked confused at first, glancing around her, but her lightning-sharp eyes pinpointed me within seconds and her whole face changed. Her eyes widened, her mouth opening into a shout, but there was no way I was going to stick around to see what she wanted to yell at me. I turned on my heel and ran—as fast as I could—the other way. A quick glance over my shoulder told me that, unfortunately, she was following, and dang was she fast! I almost wanted to use one of the many swear words that Kakó enjoyed so much. I was hopelessly lost in these ridiculous passageways, and there was a young girl in the palace who desperately needed my help, but this woman just wouldn’t get off my tail. Slipping around another corner, I ran right into her. I was so startled that I cried out, tried to stop, and ended up going down and sliding on the floor. That was about when I realized that I had passed through her, not into her. Glancing up in astonishment, I saw the woman in blue light turn to stare down at me, her hands on her hips, her lips pursed, her eyes furious. Breathing hard, I could do nothing but stare as she opened her mouth, probably to tell me I was under arrest. And that’s when she vanished. Just ... vanished. Now Available in Ebook and Paperback ![]() About the Author: A Pacific Northwesterner by birth and disposition, Mara has lived in Washington, D.C., Oregon, Japan, and most recently, the beautiful Pacific Grove, California, before returning to her roots in Seattle. By day she teaches history to unsuspecting teenagers, and by night she writes books and travels to far-flung places. A black cat enthusiast, she loves to read, play sports, and drink far more London Fogs than is likely good for her. Comments are closed.