Jules Adrienn

Jules Adrienn is the fiction-writing alter ego of an award-winning author from the Midwest. She’s a world traveler, a homebody, a belly-laugher, a bawler, a lover, and a fighter. Stay tuned in to her latest adventures in writing (and life)—she’s always up to something.
Instagram: www.instagram.com/julesadrienn/
Twitter: twitter.com/AdriennJules
Facebook: www.facebook.com/JulesAdrienn/
What inspired you to write your book?
My latest novel, NEST OF THIEVES, is a bucket list item. I’ve always loved crime and thrillers and romance. Mashing them up into one novel has been a dream of mine for a long time—and I’m really happy with the result. It isn’t often that I start a book with an idea of how I want it to come out, and then actually hit that target. I feel like I’ve done that with NEST OF THIEVES.
Are you a pantser or a plotter?
Definitely a pantser. But—and this is a big but—I do plot after I’ve completed writing a novel. This means that I read through the novel and figure out ways to enhance the plot after the story is written. This can mean revving up certain parts of the storyline, eliminating parts, adding whole scenes—it can go in a million directions. The main idea is that I want the final version of the novel to be as good as I can possibly get it, using whatever tools I have at my disposal.
Do you have any writing rituals or special processes you complete before sitting down to write?
I usually read through and edit what I wrote the day before to get back in the rhythm of the story and into the characters’ heads. I also usually end a day of writing by stopping in the middle of a scene. This allows me to jump right in and write, rather than spending any time mulling things over. Once I start writing, I can often just run with the story rather than spending precious time thinking what needs to happen next.
What authors inspire you?
I love so many different types of authors that I can't really nail down all my inspirations. I know I absolutely adore THE OUTSIDERS by S.E. Hinton. That book nailed it. I dream of writing something like that. Then there are those authors who surprise me. They’re the ones who come out of nowhere to inspire me. Sara Gran is a recent author I’ve come to love. The main thing I find inspiring is when an author can make me feel something. Whether it’s sadness, regret, love, or whatever, pulling real emotions out of a reader takes real talent, and I think it’s the highest honor a writer can ever achieve.
If you could only write in one genre for the rest of your career, what genre would you choose? Why?
This is impossible for me to answer. I don’t consider myself a strict genre writer. If my work falls into a genre, fine. But it never starts out that way. I just want to write a story that creates a realistic world. If it has elements of different genres, that makes sense to me because our world is made up of elements found in all the genres. Romance, thrills, adventure, horror—these are all things that are defined as genres, but aren’t they really just different parts of everyday life? In the end I think my novels have definable traits associated with thrillers, romance, and adventure genres, so I guess you could say those are the genres I choose.
Which of the characters in your current release is your favorite? Why?
Joe Cracker Jones was my favorite character to write in NEST OF THIEVES. He is a very bad man. Writing from the perspective of a guy as bad as Cracker is a freeing experience because he wasn’t limited in the way he acted, talked, thought, or responded to other people. In essence, he did whatever the hell he wanted to do whenever the hell he wanted to do it. And he did things with the full confidence that he would achieve the result he wanted. There are very few people who operate in this manner in the real world, but they’re always memorable. Think along the lines of Michael Jordan or Mike Tyson. At the height of their power, they bent the world they operated in to their whims. Writing in the perspective of a person like this (but one who is extremely bad) allowed me to experience what it felt like to live a life of no boundaries. Cracker was a gift that any writer would benefit from. And he helped the story tremendously because his strength, and guile, and awfulness lifted the struggle in the story to heights that could not have been reached without him.
Morning person or grumpy bear?
I’m a morning person. And I don’t drink coffee. Strange combination, I know.
Tell us one thing it would surprise us to know about you?
I love watching videos of people with strange pets. When you see someone being nuzzled by a foot-long Tasmanian fruit bat, or sleeping with an opossum, it makes you realize that we’re all on this planet looking for love.
Do you have any unique skills or talents? If so, what?
My dog is deaf, so I have a whole silent vocabulary of hand gestures that I use to talk to her. The funniest thing you’ll ever see is me yelling at her for doing something naughty. I’m completely silent, but my pointing and face gestures are classic!
If I were to look in your closet right now, would I find frills and lace or demin and tees?
I’m a denim and tees person. And I always will be😊
Instagram: www.instagram.com/julesadrienn/
Twitter: twitter.com/AdriennJules
Facebook: www.facebook.com/JulesAdrienn/
What inspired you to write your book?
My latest novel, NEST OF THIEVES, is a bucket list item. I’ve always loved crime and thrillers and romance. Mashing them up into one novel has been a dream of mine for a long time—and I’m really happy with the result. It isn’t often that I start a book with an idea of how I want it to come out, and then actually hit that target. I feel like I’ve done that with NEST OF THIEVES.
Are you a pantser or a plotter?
Definitely a pantser. But—and this is a big but—I do plot after I’ve completed writing a novel. This means that I read through the novel and figure out ways to enhance the plot after the story is written. This can mean revving up certain parts of the storyline, eliminating parts, adding whole scenes—it can go in a million directions. The main idea is that I want the final version of the novel to be as good as I can possibly get it, using whatever tools I have at my disposal.
Do you have any writing rituals or special processes you complete before sitting down to write?
I usually read through and edit what I wrote the day before to get back in the rhythm of the story and into the characters’ heads. I also usually end a day of writing by stopping in the middle of a scene. This allows me to jump right in and write, rather than spending any time mulling things over. Once I start writing, I can often just run with the story rather than spending precious time thinking what needs to happen next.
What authors inspire you?
I love so many different types of authors that I can't really nail down all my inspirations. I know I absolutely adore THE OUTSIDERS by S.E. Hinton. That book nailed it. I dream of writing something like that. Then there are those authors who surprise me. They’re the ones who come out of nowhere to inspire me. Sara Gran is a recent author I’ve come to love. The main thing I find inspiring is when an author can make me feel something. Whether it’s sadness, regret, love, or whatever, pulling real emotions out of a reader takes real talent, and I think it’s the highest honor a writer can ever achieve.
If you could only write in one genre for the rest of your career, what genre would you choose? Why?
This is impossible for me to answer. I don’t consider myself a strict genre writer. If my work falls into a genre, fine. But it never starts out that way. I just want to write a story that creates a realistic world. If it has elements of different genres, that makes sense to me because our world is made up of elements found in all the genres. Romance, thrills, adventure, horror—these are all things that are defined as genres, but aren’t they really just different parts of everyday life? In the end I think my novels have definable traits associated with thrillers, romance, and adventure genres, so I guess you could say those are the genres I choose.
Which of the characters in your current release is your favorite? Why?
Joe Cracker Jones was my favorite character to write in NEST OF THIEVES. He is a very bad man. Writing from the perspective of a guy as bad as Cracker is a freeing experience because he wasn’t limited in the way he acted, talked, thought, or responded to other people. In essence, he did whatever the hell he wanted to do whenever the hell he wanted to do it. And he did things with the full confidence that he would achieve the result he wanted. There are very few people who operate in this manner in the real world, but they’re always memorable. Think along the lines of Michael Jordan or Mike Tyson. At the height of their power, they bent the world they operated in to their whims. Writing in the perspective of a person like this (but one who is extremely bad) allowed me to experience what it felt like to live a life of no boundaries. Cracker was a gift that any writer would benefit from. And he helped the story tremendously because his strength, and guile, and awfulness lifted the struggle in the story to heights that could not have been reached without him.
Morning person or grumpy bear?
I’m a morning person. And I don’t drink coffee. Strange combination, I know.
Tell us one thing it would surprise us to know about you?
I love watching videos of people with strange pets. When you see someone being nuzzled by a foot-long Tasmanian fruit bat, or sleeping with an opossum, it makes you realize that we’re all on this planet looking for love.
Do you have any unique skills or talents? If so, what?
My dog is deaf, so I have a whole silent vocabulary of hand gestures that I use to talk to her. The funniest thing you’ll ever see is me yelling at her for doing something naughty. I’m completely silent, but my pointing and face gestures are classic!
If I were to look in your closet right now, would I find frills and lace or demin and tees?
I’m a denim and tees person. And I always will be😊

Tell us about your latest release:
AMAZON- https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DS1LQ5L3
KOBO- https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/nest-of-thieves-1
BN- https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/nest-of-thieves-jules-adrienn/1146774320
APPLE- https://books.apple.com/us/book/nest-of-thieves/id6740091667
Conor Monroe wants more out of life than a broken family and penny-ante robberies. Julia Terranova is running from an old life, trying to stay one step ahead of her abusive ex. Together they might find an answer to their problems. But when Conor hears about the local crime lords’ next heist—$400,000 in gold—he overreaches. The result is a contract on his life and a new face in town, Joe Cracker Jones. Cracker is an unstoppable force who kills his targets in hand-to-hand combat. But to collect his payday, Cracker has to find Conor. And when terrorizing Conor’s family and friends doesn’t work, he targets the one person Conor can’t ignore—Julia.
Conor’s only strategy is to buy time. One day, one hour, one moment at a time, desperate to hold off the roar of victory that signals the end for every man Cracker fights.
But maybe this time the end can be a new beginning--if Conor plays this just right…
It’s gonna be a showdown.
Readers who like stories that combine a bit of romance with danger like The Town by Chuck Hogan; and Persuader by Lee Child will enjoy Nest of Thieves.
An awkward silence held for a bit. Conor dug his feet under the sand. He looked out over the stream, watching flashes of sunlight sparkle. “So, what about dreams?”
“What about ‘em?”
“Do you have any?”
“Every night,” she said.
“No. I mean like dreams for your life,” he said, feeling her turn to stare at him.
“I don’t know. Why?”
He shrugged. “You just seem like you would.” He turned to meet her gaze.
“Is that a pick-up line?”
She looked away. “No one’s ever asked me that before.” She leaned back, bracing her hands in the sand. “I’ll think about it and let you know.”
He leaned back, moving his hand next to hers, just close enough to touch. “Promise?” he said, staring at her profile. He watched her glance down at his hand. She hooked her pinkie finger over his, lifted her gaze, smiled, and said, “I pinkie swear.” A drop of sweat trailed over her scar. Her eyes were so big he felt like he could dive into them. “I’m gonna hold you to that,” he said, reaching up to wipe the sweat away from her scar.
AMAZON- https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DS1LQ5L3
KOBO- https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/nest-of-thieves-1
BN- https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/nest-of-thieves-jules-adrienn/1146774320
APPLE- https://books.apple.com/us/book/nest-of-thieves/id6740091667
Conor Monroe wants more out of life than a broken family and penny-ante robberies. Julia Terranova is running from an old life, trying to stay one step ahead of her abusive ex. Together they might find an answer to their problems. But when Conor hears about the local crime lords’ next heist—$400,000 in gold—he overreaches. The result is a contract on his life and a new face in town, Joe Cracker Jones. Cracker is an unstoppable force who kills his targets in hand-to-hand combat. But to collect his payday, Cracker has to find Conor. And when terrorizing Conor’s family and friends doesn’t work, he targets the one person Conor can’t ignore—Julia.
Conor’s only strategy is to buy time. One day, one hour, one moment at a time, desperate to hold off the roar of victory that signals the end for every man Cracker fights.
But maybe this time the end can be a new beginning--if Conor plays this just right…
It’s gonna be a showdown.
Readers who like stories that combine a bit of romance with danger like The Town by Chuck Hogan; and Persuader by Lee Child will enjoy Nest of Thieves.
An awkward silence held for a bit. Conor dug his feet under the sand. He looked out over the stream, watching flashes of sunlight sparkle. “So, what about dreams?”
“What about ‘em?”
“Do you have any?”
“Every night,” she said.
“No. I mean like dreams for your life,” he said, feeling her turn to stare at him.
“I don’t know. Why?”
He shrugged. “You just seem like you would.” He turned to meet her gaze.
“Is that a pick-up line?”
She looked away. “No one’s ever asked me that before.” She leaned back, bracing her hands in the sand. “I’ll think about it and let you know.”
He leaned back, moving his hand next to hers, just close enough to touch. “Promise?” he said, staring at her profile. He watched her glance down at his hand. She hooked her pinkie finger over his, lifted her gaze, smiled, and said, “I pinkie swear.” A drop of sweat trailed over her scar. Her eyes were so big he felt like he could dive into them. “I’m gonna hold you to that,” he said, reaching up to wipe the sweat away from her scar.