![]() I really love this novel. And not just because the main character is a writer. I love this novel because of the setting. Okay, I do love the whole story, the characters and the romance, but the setting is really sweet. Think about it...the characters are camping. They hiked in and they set up a tent. They had to build a fire, they had to catch their food. Who doesn't love being close to nature? You aren't a camping person? Why not? Seriously, I wasn't either until my husband took me camping on the shore of Lake Michigan. The waves were crashing and lulled me to sleep at night. Our tent was under the branches of a tall pine tree and we did have running water and bathroom facilities at the state park. There is something nice about being in the wild...as long as it has electricity, bathrooms, oh and isn't raining! Seriously, 10 DAYS is a marvelous tale of friendship which blossoms into something more. It's that one look at a person and suddenly you see them in a different way. A perfect romantic comedy filled with fresh air and laughter. Be sure to grab your own copy today! Blurb: A hilarious love story featuring an overdramatic city boy and an incomparable girl from the country. In an attempt to knock out the long-awaited follow-up to his best-selling first novel, Alexander Jones lets his best friend convince him that trekking into the wilderness for a survival boot camp was the only way to get the creative juices flowing. With the help of a detailed itinerary, Luke, and Luke's childhood friend, Penny, they’d committed 10 days to help Alex forgo his Urbanite roots and embrace the countryside. It took a lifetime to get to the mountains where Luke and Penny had camped as kids, and only a second for Alex to know he was out of his element. In a surprising twist of fate, it also took 10 days for him to fall in love with Penny Foster. The question was, did Penny feel the same way, and what would Luke say when he found out? EXCERPT: “I don’t know why I love it here so much. Some of the best memories of my childhood were here. Each time it was like our own little world. Just Dad and me. Sometimes Penny if her mom would let her come. I guess I just expected you’d feel the same way. Which is stupid.” Alex felt the uncertainty in Luke’s voice, and, well, he didn’t hate it completely. “No, it’s not. It’s fucking beautiful here.” It was just hard for him to acclimate. He’d never done this before, and up until then, he’d never had to lament the fact he’d never done anything like this. It was like peeking behind the curtain, getting to see a glimpse of another person’s childhood, a person who grew up happy and loved. He usually didn’t let things like that bother him, but the thought he could have had a childhood like this pricked a little. He could just picture it. He and his sister in the water, splashing each other, throwing rocks, and causing general mayhem at every opportunity. His mom would be cooking over the campfire. His dad would be catching their dinner. From his spot in the lake, and through the hazy filtered colors of the setting sun, he could see Penny’s silhouette moving around the camp. A shower of dancing sparks lit the area from where she must have put a log on the fire. Some of the best memories of my childhood were here. He bet they were. Now Available in Ebook and Print |